Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here comes de judge

Obama has presented Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court Justice Nominee and has already met with lots of criticism. As some of my family members who would describe themselves as "conservative" like to say "The way to control the government is to control the Supreme Court". So I think that having someone who doesn't blame global warming on the AIDS quilt is threatening to those who find themselves on the right side of the political spectrum.

The argument that's taking place helped me begin to think once again about whether there actually is a middle ground. Not just in politics but in general. In terms of our faith and politics we often make issues black and white-as though to have any in between, or any gray areas is somehow being lukewarm, or wishy washy, or even worse-demonic.

Because I think God gave us brains as well as hearts (spiritually and literally) I believe to find ourselves in places without certainty, and without proof is precisely where we encounter our Christian faith. When we have to think to apply that which has been presented to us as the gospel we are living a Christian life. Sadly though just as in politics with Supreme Court Nominees we find ourselves wanting to classify people based on whether we think "They" are on "Our" side. If not are "they" our enemy so we can determine how it is we're supposed to relate to "them". I did it myself in my comments about some of my family above. It's unavoidable really.

It's easier and even more pleasurable to judge others than it is to take the time to relate to them and try to find common ground.

For instance if I had my way I'd bring back Smiting. In fact I've invented a product called the Smite-a-matic 3000. It's a tool Christians can use to punish those with whom they disagree and who they deem is in need of repentance. It comes with several attachments: a patented leather stripped cat-a-nine tails with fine stainless steel shards on each strip, A Bible shaped mallet for ending arguments quickly, and of course a Revelation themed White Horse with an un-named rider with sword attachment jutting out of his mouth.

It can be conveniently used when we encounter a fellow Christian in a disagreement over a theological point-BOOM Smite-a-Matic ends the argument decisively. If we want to thwart a difficult discussion say about same sex marriage and just can't handle the thought that God loves all people and would bless a gay couple-THWACK! Argument over.

Finally if we find that beating up ourselves is our favorite use of self righteous vengeance there is a special self flagellation attachment. It's for those who feel as though mercy from God just isn't enough to cover over their particular dirtiest sins and therefore require punishment-the Smite-A-Matic calms that guilt ridden void with as little as two applications.

If only I could use this on the politicians who are caricatures of themselves. Sometimes I think they are like Pro Wrestlers shouting the familiar arguments taking on the role of villain or hero depending on where you place your particular political leanings. All the while as the show rages on we miss out on the complicated nature of real life that takes place in between the extremes.

If you like me are weary of it-call now-1-888-SMITE-EM. or visit our website at Operators are standing by.

All major credit cards are accepted.


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