Monday, November 9, 2009

The Heart of the Matter

I love Don Henley's solo album from 1989 called End of the Innocence. For those of you who weren't any more than a fetus in 1989 Don Henley is the lead singer of the band The Eagles who had a number of hits in the 70's.

One of the songs on it that was really good aside from the title track is called "Heart of the Matter". The song itself is about a breakup-but the refrain is:

The more I know the less I understand, all the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again. I've been tryin' to get down to the heart of the matter but my will gets weak and my thoughts seem to scatter but I think its about...Forgiveness, forgiveness even if, even if you don't love me anymore.

Forgiveness isn't particularly funny. In fact its really serious-because its so difficult. People wonder why we need God-or what purpose God serves in our lives. For me and I believe for all of humanity it's because without the Divine we have no capability for forgiveness. We'd rather have vengeance as I've said in previous blogs-vengeance is easier-it requires less effort to strike someone down verbally, physically, or emotionally than it does to try to work through difficult times.

In a book I'm reading called The Art of Forgiveness the author speaks about how much energy is freed up in our entire person when we decide to quit carrying around old grudges, or when we decide to release not only the person who we perceive wronged us, but we release OURSELVES from the weight of it as well. Perhaps in letting go of the wrong we will have the energy to accomplish the difficult work of making relationships right. That is my prayer for you and for me.

Besides I've grown tired of smiting people with a turkey roll.


1 comment:

Jennifer Johnson said...

Don Henley's song has informed me in my own hard-to-forgive episodes. Forgiveness is more a gift to me than that jerk who wronged me. I'm going to get that book.